Heeere's Johnny!

johnnyOh, don't hate me for that. Most of you are probably too young to even catch the reference. I had to do it, I was contractually obligated.

So you may have noticed the post titled How Many gods Are In the Bible?. Well, may I introduce to you, Johnny! He's commented on HDC before, and befriended me on Facebook, and I realized I really like how he thinks and his fresh perspective. As you may know, I am always looking for people to contribute to HDC, so that you get the best Dead Cats possible. When I asked Johnny if he'd be interested in joining in, he said yes! Woot!

So give him a warm welcome. Hopefully we'll have his deconversion story in the Testimonial section soon, but you can read a bit about him on the About page. As you can see, he's now our official resident Superhero. Woot Woot!

Thanks for joining us Johnny. :D


  1. LOL! Thanks for the welcome Neece!

    I'll take the intro; and I'm just old enough to know the reference. :P

  2. Ha! And I just published a post linking to it as well! :D Sorry, I was a bit slow in getting everything up all together. :P

  3. Yeah, I remember the Tonight Show from when I was a kid. I never really watched it myself. Like I said, I was contractually obligated to use the expression. :P hee hee....

  4. LOL! No problem, just noticed you had it up, so thought I'd throw it out there. :P
