A Little Spring Cleaning at HDC

Hello everyone. Sometimes a whim overtakes me and I just want to do a bit of sprucing up. I updated the theme I use here at HDC and it screwed things up a bit (like my header). Then I decided to look for a new theme that might work a bit better than the one I'm using now. So bear with me. I'm going to do some fiddling around which means things might look a bit wonky while I try to make it work.

If you see errors or problems, try refreshing after a few minutes, because I might be working on it. Or if you have comments, suggestions or complaints, comment away!


  1. Looks like more than just a spruce up - looks like you packed up, moved to a new house, and are still figuring out how to re-arrange all of your furniture. Good luck!

  2. Ha! Thanks! Yeah... I have to confess, I love doing this kind of stuff every once in awhile. Hopefully you and everyone else won't hate it when it's done!

  3. Hey, I like this. I like this a lot.

  4. looks good.....maybe it's easier to explore.....was all this on the page before?
    OK talk to you later -I'm going to do some reading!!!

  5. All this was on the page before, so maybe it is easier to navigate. Thanks Tim! :D

  6. Sweet! Let me know if anything needs fixing! I like it too. :)

  7. I like the increased post width (makes reading easier) and the double sidebars make for easier navigation too. Shiny.

    Oh, and I don't recall if you had the edit function enabled for comments before, but that is brilliant! No more unclosed HTML tags here!
