Talk To An Atheist on Atheist Hotline

For some time I’ve been working behind the scenes on a way for atheists and people questioning their faith to talk to someone who can give some friendly atheist advice. With the help of my fellow Morgantown Atheists friends, we have started a voice mail system, an email address and a website called Atheist Hotline!

Ways to Contact Us:

You can call, email or post a question on the site now. The phone number is to a voice mail system. We are volunteering this service so we will get back to you as soon as we can. Leave your email address if you call, too please. It will be easiest for us to get back to you by email.

Our Goals:

  • Let atheists know they are not alone

  • Clear up common misconceptions about atheists in general

  • Provide people with information resources when needed

  • Personal experiences from atheists to help you with your perspective

  • Carefully helping people who are questioning their faith - in need of reason, etc.

  • Carefully helping atheists who have troubles with their family

  • Offering moral support to atheists and people questioning their faith

  • Friendly advice from atheists

What we're NOT:

  • Faith crisis hotline

  • Not giving out therapeutic advice

  • Not a debate hotline

  • Not a confessional

  • Not a dating service

  • We are NOT professionals!

    • Anything you say is not under client professional privilege. If you say something criminal, we will alert the police.

    • We are not legally qualified in any way to give therapy. We are not claiming to do so. We are here only to give friendly advice or information.

    • Anything you do based on information you get through AH is 100% your responsibility.

Here are the Disclaimer and Terms of Service:

By contacting us through email, voice mail or, you state you have read these Terms of Service and agree to them.
Atheist Hotline is provided for informational, educational, fun and amusement purposes only; is not intended to diagnose or treat any person; and is not intended to constitute professional therapeutic advice. While care has been taken in the preparation of the information contained on Atheist Hotline, all information is provided on an “as is” basis without any representation, warranty or condition, whether express or implied, statutory or otherwise, as to: quality; accuracy; completeness; legality; reliability; efficacy; or fitness for any particular purpose. Anyone using this information does so at his or her own risk, and by using such information agrees to indemnify Atheist Hotline and its content providers from any and all liability, loss, injury, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) arising from such person’s use of the information and resources on this website. Anyone who is in any type of crisis should call 911 now and receive help from trained mental heath professionals.


  1. I like it. Good on ya for starting something like this up.
