For Entertainment Purposes Only

Hi everyone! I probably should have warned you ahead of time, but I've been so busy I really haven't had much of a chance. Labor Day weekend is "family time." Butch (my longsuffering and adoring husband) had his brother and best friend in town for the annual Labor Day family reunion. So I cleaned and polished and got ready for his friend to stay with us for a few days, and then prepared for several days of family events including the reunion on Sunday. I ate WAY too much delicious Italian food and laughed an awful lot. It all wrapped up last night and now I'm trying to recover. It's a lot for a curmudgeonly, grinch-hearted, soulless, socially phobic hermit to deal with every year.

So, I just wanted to say hi and give you some lolcats and funny pictures to amuse you till I can get back on track. I hope you had a great, long weekend as well.

Little did you know that the freezer is a closely guarded porthole to hell.

For a brief moment Basement Cat had the whole world in his hands. Then he dropped it.

Compare the Ideology: the simple way to an ideal ideology (click for larger image)

Well, the good news is that we found out Jesus is worshiped on other planets.
"Oh, he comes back every two weeks or so. We gave him this big box of chocolates when he first arrived. Why? What'd you guys do?"

God Bless This Country! (click on image for slightly bigger version)

"Intelligent Design" (the one by our founding fathers)

GOD: Because even though the idea of a magic man who can solve all of your problems for you is nice, once you've seen behind the curtain, you realize that you have to do stuff for yourself.

I use an intellectual prophylactic online.

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