Questions For You

Some days the creative juices flow easier than others. Sometimes I just can't think of great ideas to share with you. I'm sorry, I am a bit tapped out lately. More great stuff will come, I'm sure. I'll just have to pray about it, I guess. "Dear Mighty Invisible Pink Unicorn...."

I'm going to share some lolcats while I take the opportunity to ask you some questions.

1. Do you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share with HDC? You can email us at


2. Do you have a deconversion story you'd like to share with us? Send us an email with your story. We'd love to publish it for you. Reading how others have unshackled themselves from religion can be helpful to people who are struggling with such a decision.


3. Do you have suggestions for a topic? Or questions that you'd like answered? Send them along. We'll happily help answer those questions and take up your suggestions if possible.

ceiling cat appeared out of nothing

4. Do you have funny or provocative images or videos to share? Send pictures or links to videos to us and we'll share them with the class.


Join in and participate with HDC. We'd love to hear from you. If you have any problems sending us an email, just comment somewhere and let us know. We'll help straighten it out.

Love, Neece

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